
1、Your weak away in my heart, but let me for you and你的脆弱藏在心裡,卻讓我因你而難過。2、A friend who betray you in the end, is never your friend from the ...


1、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前,決不放棄!2、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日畢!3、Believe in yourself.相信你 ...


英文励志短句,英语名言,1、Never say die。永不气馁!2、Just do it。向前冲。3、xcellerate your efforts。加倍努力!4、Believe in yourself。相信你自己!5、Learn and ...

唯美的英文短句 - 励志一生

唯美的英文短句. 1、Perhaps, true success is the way,as he likes to spend your life. 或许,真正的成功就是按照自己喜欢的方式,去度过人生。 2、Who's who hit the ...