請老師多多指教 - XYZ線上翻譯

請老師多多指教. —— 中文翻譯成英文. google翻譯. 0. Ask the teacher a lot of advice. 0. 百度翻譯. 0. Ask the teacher for advice. 0. 有道翻譯. 0. Please the teacher.

還請老師多多指教 - XYZ線上翻譯

下載翻譯APP,免費無限制翻譯. 還請老師多多指教. —— 中文翻譯成英文. google翻譯. 0. Also ask the teacher to give more advice. 0. 有道翻譯. 0. Also please the ...

新手上路,請老師多多指教| 易學網

由於剛踏入易學的領域(第二天,有很多東西還沒看到 Tongue Out ),有些開宗明義的東西希望能搞清楚. 問題過於粗淺還請大家多包涵. 在看了易學 ...