Colour banding - Wikipedia

Colour banding, or Color banding (American English) is a problem of inaccurate colour presentation in computer graphics. In 24-bit colour modes, 8 bits per ...

Banding - Wikipedia

Banding may refer to: Banding (medical), procedures that use elastic bands for constriction; Colour banding, an inaccuracy in computer graphics; G banding, ...

Banding - MTG Wiki

Banding is a keyword ability with different effects depending on whether the banding creature is attacking or blocking. It was introduced in Alpha, and no longer ...

banding - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

用帶捆;為……裝箍; If you band the bird's leg, you can identify it later. 如果你在鳥腿上套上標記環,以後就能認出它。 Powered by Dr.eye · band. n.[C]. (一)夥,(一) ...

banding - Wiktionary

You can recognize this species of bird by the banding on the wing. A technique used in the study of wild birds, by attaching a small, individually numbered, metal ...

Banding | Define Banding at

Banding definition, decorative inlay, as for bordering or paneling a piece, composed of strips of wood contrasting in grain or color with the principal wood of the ...

Urban Dictionary: Banding

Banding is when you hang out with someone and make music together, eventually forming a sort of band. It is a combination of "bonding" and "band.".

What is banding? Webopedia Definition

Banding generally occurs when a color printer needs to pass the print head over a page multiple times to print each color. If the page isn't exactly lined up for ...