The Mercy - Wikipedia

The Mercy is a 2017 British biographical drama film, directed by James Marsh and written by Scott Z. Burns. It is based on the true story of the disastrous attempt ...

The Mercy (2018) - Rotten Tomatoes

The Mercy. Critics Consensus. The Mercy sails on Colin Firth's layered central performance, which adds necessary depth and nuance that the story sometimes ...

The Mercy (2018) - IMDb

The incredible story of amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst and his solo attempt to circumnavigate the globe. The struggles he confronted on the journey while his ...

怜悯(豆瓣) - 豆瓣电影

The Mercy这个标题很厉害,简单又包罗万象,本身就带着一种张力,所以难倒中文翻译了。 这个片子在感恩节看了之后,1直没有忘记,豆瓣评分这么低,有点惊讶。