In addition - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

in addition. 美式. ph. 此外. 釋義; 同反義; 相關詞. ph. 片語; 1. 此外. Dr. York is a professor of art. In addition, he is a television commentator. 約克博士是一位藝術 ...

in addition to 用法| 全民學英文

Tag: in addition to 用法 ... 【would 用法】英文「would」原來有這麼多用法!5分鐘學會所有would 英文用法! ... 【比較英文】compare to 跟compare with 英文用法解析!

in addition (to) - 外語學習版- 深藍論壇

2010年8月3日 - 請問一下in addition有沒有加to的意思各為何?^o) 常常會搞 ... In addition,I volunteered to walk the dog later at night. ... 只是詞性和用法不同@w@ ...