Noto - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Noto是Google所開發的開源字型家族,以OFL许可证授權,旨在涵蓋所有Unicode區段。涵蓋漢字、 ... 電週文化,戴廷芳,2014-07-30; ^ Updates – Google Noto Fonts(英文); ^ Noto Sans CJK – Google Noto Fonts. (英语).

Google Noto Fonts

Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is Google's answer to tofu. The name noto is to convey the idea that Google's goal is to see “no more tofu”. Noto has multiple styles and weights, and is freely available to all.