Noto - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Noto是Google所開發的開源字型家族,以OFL许可证授權,旨在涵蓋所有Unicode區段。涵蓋漢字、 ... 外部連結[编辑]. noto-fonts、noto-cjk、noto-emoji、noto-source - GitHub (英文); Noto字体下载 ...

Google Noto Fonts

Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is Google's answer to tofu.

Noto fonts - Wikipedia

Noto is a font family comprising over 100 individual fonts, which are together designed to cover all the scripts encoded in the Unicode standard. As of October ...

免費商用字體:Noto Fonts 繁體中文 - Wckblog

2018年11月24日 - Google 的思源字體分為兩種:黑體、宋體,英文分別為: Noto Sans 、 Noto Serif 。兩種皆有繁體中文,可用於廣東話、客家話、閩南話、文言文,使用 ...

Noto fonts的相關標籤